The blogging, I mean. The gym lasted OK, until we went on holiday to the depths of Scotland for a week. That threw me completely out of whack, and then the clock change threw me for a loop as well. Getting up at 0630 became impossible, so to be honest I only made it to the gym about 3 times in November, and December I didn't make it once - partly because the panto I did in the beginning of the month sapped my will to do anything at all for the week of the show and a week or two after. Then it was Christmas and what's the point then? :-) I'm disappointed because I did really well, lost a fair whack of body mass if not weight (it was noticeable to me at least, and Jane was quite pleased), but the time constraints that I have mean early mornings are my only real option. So then, to the new year, to new attempts. I have a new alarm clock, and renewed will. I know far too many people who are doing far too well at losing weight it's making me feel inade...