Films - a brief review of 2019 and 2020 Goals

In late 2017 thanks to some acquisitions, I landed a new job based in London - still an Oracle DBA but now within a corporate environment.

The move to London has meant that I now have access to all the entertainment that London can provide. In 2018 I saw 52 shows (theatre, musicals, etc), and in 2019 I saw 58.

The point of this blog post is that also in 2019 I saw over 110 events at the cinema. I phrase that carefully because it wasn’t all films. There were other events too, such as Mark Kermode in 3D, launches, previews, and stuff like that.

I’ve decided a platform to write up some reviews of the things I’m seeing would be a good thing, so here we are. I hope to write up some reviews of some of the more memorable films I saw in 2019 and continue writing reviews through stuff I see in 2020:

I’d like to keep this going, maybe once a week, but we’ll see. Consistency is not my strongest point.


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