Illness and exercise

So, I am now ill. I have a head that wants to explode, snot coming out of my ears and feel sore.  At least that's how I've felt since Monday morning.  Sunday afternoon I went to the gym and my attempt at doing stuff nearly killed me.  That really should have been my first warning sign.

I have tried to go since then, but I really couldn't face it.  Well that and the fact that I've had so much to do in order to make the place acceptable for Jane's return tomorrow.  I've done a fair amount of tidying and re-organising, shufting some stuff about.  This created large amounts of chaos, which has slowly been transformed from back to order again.

Tomorrow I shall go back, first thing in the morning.  Try and get back into the routine.  It's so easy to break it, so easy to make an excuse, and then another excuse, and then another excuse. By the time a week has gone past we're out of the rhythm and find it hard to go back.


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