Social Distancing Movie Marathon - Charade
In the UK, we're in the midst of dealing with Covid-19, and although I'm not directly impacted I am spending a lot more time at home what with the cinemas and theatres (my favourite places!) being closed, and my employer has moved to full-time working from home. On one hand this is great! No commuting, no annoying colleagues, no noisy office! Excellent. On the other, the only person I'm likely to see much of for a while is my partner, who is also working from home full-time. We're lucky that we are able to work comfortably in separate rooms, so we only see each other for coffee breaks and at lunchtime. As a consequence, I have found myself watching more movies. And last night I came across this list from the British Film Institute (BFI) - 100 great films available to stream on Netflix and Prime (though they do cheat a little and include BFI Player): I'm going to ...