
Showing posts from June, 2017


APEX, SERT, and EPG Application Express, Security Evaluation and Recommendation Tool, and the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway My organisation has only just started seriously working with APEX and have recently launched our first internal production app (that was a challenge... I was told that this app needed to be in production in 2 days and nobody had bothered to check with me what was needed to make this happen).  I've learned a lot about APEX in the past few weeks and I've got a lot more to go. I recently came across SERT ( ) and it sounds like a really nifty tool.  Today I found some time to try it out and see if our dev team might find it useful.  I decided to install it in our dev database.  This uses the EPG rather than ORDS. The install didn't go so well.  The first install failed near the end because I think I used a lowercase 'y' for a response somewhere and it got confused, bombing out with an ORA-06502...